Naracoorte Lucindale Senior Supa Series

by admin on October 28, 2018

Bowls SA runs a Supa Series flagship event for Seniors that attracts participants and visitors from both intrastate and interstate. The Competition provides a pathway for athletes to represent South Australia on the National stage. 

With all events at capacity over the four held in the 17-18 season, Bowls SA has tendered events throughout the state to keep up with the demand. The Naracoorte Lucindale Council has secured a two day Senior Supa Series event, to expose the local area to tourism with talented bowlers attracted to the area to participate in this highly rated event. 

The Naracoorte Bowling Club will host day one on Monday 26th November 2018 and day two will be played at Naracoorte RSL Bowling Club on Tuesday 27th November 2018. All eligible bowlers are welcome to enter in the event with entries open now on the Bowls SA website.

Linking into the Senior Supa Series annual calendar of events will be an exciting new concept to drive the sport of lawn bowls at grassroots level across the state. The freshly minted “Bowls Fest” is set to be held in various country regions around the state on a yearly basis and will become an integral component in providing support and training to the membership.

The aim of Bowls Fest is to present a quality bowls event experience to local and visiting members, through showcasing great talent and providing up-skilling to the area through accreditations and additional courses. As an annual event in each area, the Bowls Fest will become an integral component in providing support and training to the membership. Bowls Fest will create an environment and atmosphere that facilitates in-depth discussion about bowls and the social and environmental issues they raise.

Following the launch in the Yorke Peninsula area in September, the South East will play host to Bowls Fest from Monday 26th to Friday 30th November 2018. Bowls SA has partnered with the Lower South East Bowling Association and the Upper South East Bowling Association to secure this event to support their local bowling clubs who will host events and courses over multiple Clubs throughout the week to upskill locals and visitors in various areas.

Bowls SA staff will be leading the tour to undertake the training and workshops, which will be determined in conjunction with the local associations. The five day Bowls Fest will not only be open to members of bowling club, it will also be open to all sporting identities in the South East to share and work together to gain upskilling and sustainability in sport as whole.

Click Here for the Event Poster 
Click Here to Enter a Team 
Click Here to see the Local Media Coverage 
Click Here for More Information on the Naracoorte Lucindale Senior Supa Series 
More information on Bowls Fest will be announced shortly. 
Any questions regarding this announcement can be directed to Bowls SA  on 8234 7544 or by email at