Kalangadoo Bowling Club Celebrates 60th Anniversary
Story from Kalangadoo Bowling Club
This year club members and friends at the Kalangadoo Bowling Club celebrated their 60th anniversary. Included in this special occasion were current President Marcus Pietersma, current Vice President Paul Martin and Mayor of Wattle Range Council Des Noll, along with past Presidents Derk Pietersma and Graham Casey. Mayor Des Noll was happy to cut the anniversary cake, while past and current presidents could reminisce on the fabulous history of the club rooms and the fact they have a competition on the only grass green in the Lower South East.
The committee of the War Memorial Park agreed to promote the formation of a bowling club so in 1963 a meeting was held and as a result the Kalangadoo Bowling Club was formed. R Winser was elected President, H Smith Vice President, D Parker Secretary, C Bartlett Treasurer, D Walker Minute Secretary.
The planning and installing of the green were done by voluntary workers. The Associate (Ladies) committee was formed in 1964. A Marquee was erected to cater for the players, until such time rooms and kitchen could be built, A generous donation by Mr J Hunt made that possible. The Club at the time had 50 members and 35 associates (Ladies).
Currently the Bowling Club has 28 members and no associates due to lack of numbers to fill a pennant side.
The Club is well supported by local community members which are very active and hard working mainly volunteers completing all the tasks inside and the club and the surrounds outside.
Being small in numbers the club has two men’s pennant sides, both competing in finals in the LSEBA league in the 2022 – 2023 season. Kalangadoo Bowling Club can now boast that they are the only bowling club that plays on grass in the Lower Southeast which in 1963 was the norm in that era.
We also would like to thank over the years our sponsors that support the club,
Kalangadoo Hotel, TDC Livestock, Nutrien, Bucik Tyre power, O’Connor and Graney, Signs by Brumby, Collins Court Butchers, Geoff Gray painters, Décor House, Littles taxi service with future sponsors coming on board soon.
The club is a welcoming Club and would like to invite more future members to join in and get involved in the great sport of bowls for all ages.